Feral Cat Fun Facts
Feral cats don’t meow as much as domesticated cats.
Cats meow as a way to communicate with their humans and/or get their attention.
2. Feral cats consume large amounts of bug protein.
All cats are carnivores, which means they need protein to survive. Insects are an easy, high source of protein for feral cats.
3.Normally, feral male cats have larger heads.
Since feral cats are not neutered, they have higher levels of testosterone, which causes their heads and cheeks to grow larger.
4.Feral cats and stray cats are not the same thing!
Stray cats have been socialized previously, while feral cats have had little to no human contact.
5.Feral cats are often scared of human interaction.
Making eye contact with a feral cat can cause them to run away due to fear.
6. Feral cats can be tamed and domesticated.
It is possible to domesticate a fully feral cat, however, it takes a lot of love and patience to build a bond with them.
7.Feral cats often yowl at night.
You may hear feral cays yowling at night when they are in heat, which means that they have not been neutered like most domesticated cats.
8.Feral cats are territorial.
Unneutered feral cats will spray their territory as a warning for other cats to stay away.
9.Feral Cats are scared of humans due to lack of socialization.
When cats are between the age of 3-9 weeks old, socialization is extremely important. Feral cats unfortunately do not experience this.