Scarlet Paws Animal Welfare Network

The Scarlet Paws Animal Welfare Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the humane treatment of both domestic animals and wildlife found living on the New Brunswick campuses of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as a result of abandonment, having become lost, or by birth to the aforementioned, and—in the case of wildlife — having become sick, injured, or displaced from their natural habitat.
We are a collaboration of Rutgers staff, faculty, students, and community volunteers. Scarlet Paws has made a long-term commitment to the welfare and well-being of these animals. Following the example of animal welfare groups organized at other colleges and universities (such as Stanford, Texas A&M, Towson, and Utah State University), we endeavor to promote community awareness of their condition, and to promote, educate, and encourage responsible and timely action by the Rutgers Community and appropriate personnel, toward their care, rescue, and placement into safe and appropriate environments.
Scarlet Paws Animal Welfare Network, Inc. is a public charity exempt from Federal Income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue code, and contributions to Scarlet Paws Animal Welfare Network, Inc. are tax deductible.

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