Olaf's Rescue: A Fateful Night That Changed Everything

Olaf, a cat residing on the Livingston campus, had become accustomed to receiving food from a kind individual. Over time, Olaf grew more comfortable, eventually allowing petting. Despite his feisty nature, often hopping into the back of the van in hopes of a treat, it was clear that Olaf was too friendly for the streets and was not a fighter, as he was often seen running from other cats.

On a rainy, cold night in February 2024, Olaf jumped into the back of the van as usual, but this time, he ventured deep inside, making himself comfortable in the warmth. Unable to bring Olaf home due to already having four rescue cats, the rescuer reached out to a brother, who had been considering taking in a cat, and to a friend named Lauren.

Although the brother needed more time to decide, Lauren’s husband believed this was a sign that Olaf needed to be rescued that night. They agreed to foster Olaf if the brother couldn’t take him. With that assurance, Olaf was brought home on that cold, wet night, and has been safe, dry, and loved ever since.

After a vet visit, it was discovered that Olaf was a female who had been TNR'd by Scarlet Paws approximately six months earlier. With all test results negative, the brother finally agreed to take Olaf in. Since March 10th, Olaf has been thriving as an indoor cat, providing companionship and enjoying a new life with her loving owner.


The Journey of Scarlet Paws: From Independent Rescuers to Non-Profit Heroes


Picasso's Journey: From Frantic Feral to Beloved House Cat